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A roller girl with a day job and a pottery studio making her way in the world. :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I finally made it to ETSY!!!

You would think I would have gotten around to it by now eh? Not like I don't work at the worlds most wonderful yarn store full time, teach a few private wheel throwing lessons at night and work on my own stuff on the weekends. I have plenty of time for other ventures no?

For several years as a potter I have enjoyed the barter system for things I can't or won't make myself. One of the things I have enjoyed bartering the most for (aside from MMO's handknit sweaters) is jewelry. So, I set out to start trying my hand at making some jewelry. And not only making jewelry, but making the beads myself! What fun. And it is finally something I can do at home watching tv and not have to spend every night in the studio to accomplish.

My user name there is maleaspottery and I have only 2 things up right now, but a bunch to come. This ETSY posting thing is actually quite time consuming. You have to photo the work, every piece gets 5 pictures, so you take 10, pick the 5 you like and then edit the crap out of them. Then you have to price it and write the description...it can take hours to list a dozen things. Kudos to those who live off ETSY alone!
Here are some of the listings, and lots more to come!

This tree guy is already spoken for. But I have about 20 more waiting to be sanded and finished. More to come!

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