About Me

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A roller girl with a day job and a pottery studio making her way in the world. :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

New Stuff for Twist 2.0

So here is a little of this and a little of that. First up, my new wine cups:

New little soy bowls with snappy sayings...trendy I know, but very fun to make!

New blue and amber leaf mugs....I think these have Chicken Betty's name all over them!

And new tiny dragonfly necklaces. These are about the size of a nickel. This beauty is getting ready to go on my Etsy page.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Student work...and a shamless cat plug.

Melanie...here is your 15 minutes of fame...the blue looks so bright. The mugs are awesome though! Good job for your first handles!

I know this isn't pottery, but she is cute on her little chair. I keep these stools in my kitchen so friends can chat with me while I am cooking. Olive sits on which ever one is closest to me.

Oh yeah, go to my website...go now...leave feedback...look at my etsy link...buy my stuff on etsy...more stuff to come.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I need your thoughts, comments, critiques...

Okay, this is my newest design to date. I need feedback....puhleeze. I am pretty happy with it. it is a nice size mug, the handle feels good and it holds comfy in the hands if you are trying to warm them up on your tea in the morning. I have made matching soup bowls (with flat bottoms so I can bake French Onion soup in them), cups and serving bowls. I like the way the glazes layer over each other. And this is a new leaf thing for me, having it come off the pot...The colors are more lovely in person, but you get the idea. Thoughts? (I might be making it in a blue/amber combo as well). People like blue.

Okay...bring on the critique................

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Seriously...ETSY! and a new gallery too...

This is what I have up there right now...you need to go...at least make my a favorite or something so it makes me look good. : )

The bead store had the soft flex wire in sterling silver, and that stuff is so amazing to work with. nice and strong, it's 19 mini fibers bound into a cable wrapped in a soft clear coating. It is really flexible and soft. And now that I know it comes in sterling I don't think I will use anything else! Whoopie.
My student Melanie's pots came out of the kiln a few days ago..I will get you pics of that before she takes them home tonight.
I also just got into another gallery. This is the Lotus and Orchid in Keene, NH. They have an opening on April 3rd. If you are around you should check it out!
Okay...off to work!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I finally made it to ETSY!!!

You would think I would have gotten around to it by now eh? Not like I don't work at the worlds most wonderful yarn store full time, teach a few private wheel throwing lessons at night and work on my own stuff on the weekends. I have plenty of time for other ventures no?

For several years as a potter I have enjoyed the barter system for things I can't or won't make myself. One of the things I have enjoyed bartering the most for (aside from MMO's handknit sweaters) is jewelry. So, I set out to start trying my hand at making some jewelry. And not only making jewelry, but making the beads myself! What fun. And it is finally something I can do at home watching tv and not have to spend every night in the studio to accomplish.

My user name there is maleaspottery and I have only 2 things up right now, but a bunch to come. This ETSY posting thing is actually quite time consuming. You have to photo the work, every piece gets 5 pictures, so you take 10, pick the 5 you like and then edit the crap out of them. Then you have to price it and write the description...it can take hours to list a dozen things. Kudos to those who live off ETSY alone!
Here are some of the listings, and lots more to come!

This tree guy is already spoken for. But I have about 20 more waiting to be sanded and finished. More to come!