So, I posted to my Twitter this week that I was going to put up one pot a day on my Etsy site. So far so good. And My new cloud dome photo kit arrived yesterday in the mail! It made snapping shots of this mornings pot so easy! I had been taking them to work and using their cloud dome kit. But they have them pretty affordable on the web includes lights and the infinity board and it fit ever so nicely into my pantry! I now have a permanent photo studio right in my home and out of sight! So, this weeks Etsy listings have been for:
And I need to give a shout out to my friend Deb who's birthday is today and who just opened her own Etsy Site!!! Deb crochets wire jewelry. Check it out!
All right, time to get in some quick exercise before work today.
Have a wonderful weekend and hope wherever you are it is not as humid and rainy as it is here in New England. Ick!
11 months ago
1 comment:
Hi there! I am your partner for the "favorite things" swap. The pieces in this post are beautiful, you have quite a gift in this area! I can't wait to do our swap, and look forward to seeing more of you through your blog and website!
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