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A roller girl with a day job and a pottery studio making her way in the world. :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What am I working on??

Okay, so I have been working on a little more streamlined line. No more slip trailing for me! Exhausting and not worth the effort. Took twice as long to make a simple mug, and people don'twant to pay $45 for a coffee mug! I won't pay $45 for a coffee mug!

So, these are unfinished teapots...the lid screws on! I think I will do one in the amber and one in the green.
They remind me of Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast! Then I have some simple tumblers, they are darted on the sides so they fit really well in your hand. These are probably going to go for around $24 And my pride and joy...salt and pepper shakers in a tray! These took forever to make, get the trays to fit...all that stuff. But I am very happy with the results! Might make them in the amber next time.
I have some new cruets, What do you do with a Cruet you say??? I microwave maple syrup in mine! Also good for soy sauce, cream, dressings, olive oil. It's basically a good serving piece for any kind of entertaining. And they are just too cute!

I am going to be glazing and firing this weekend, so look for new stuff...plus butter dishes are getting added to the line! We'll see if they come out decent...if not another item for a seconds sale... oh well.


Hillary said...

Hi M -- love the teapots!


Mary said...

They DO look like Mrs. Potts. And I would know :)
Excellent work!